Dandenong Neurology

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Ayurveda Health

Ayurveda and Neurological Diseases Patient Education

AYURVEDA – The science of LONG LIFE

This is a complete and integrated system of natural health care which looks after the mental, physical and emotional sides of life. Ayurveda medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India, which uses a range of treatments, including Panchakarma (‘five actions’), yoga, massage and herbal medicine, to encourage health and wellbeing. The aim of Ayurvedic medicine is to create such a state of balance or health that the individual experiences permanent and profound harmony in body, mind and senses.

Ayurvedic medicine removes the root causes of diseases without any side effects. By practicing Ayurvedic medicine and yoga, we can prevent diseases such as Insomnia, psychiatric diseases, autoimmune diseases, hearts disease, stroke, many cancers, asthma, diabetes, obesity, chronic kidney diseases, arthritis, gout, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s diseases, Parkinson’s diseases, hair loss, infertility and more. In other words, we can say Ayurvedic medicine is the best preventive Medicine.

Ayurveda considers neurological disorders to be the result of a Vata disorder. The vitiation of Vata dosha causes an imbalance and disharmony in the human system that leads to neurological disorders. Ayurvedic treatments for neurological disorders will aim to rectify this Vata imbalance and bring the Vata dosha in harmony with pita and Kapha dosha so as to eliminate every type of disease in an individual.

Our Ayurvedic physician treats a few of the neurological diseases that are more common, including Alzheimer’s disease, Epilepsy, Migraine and Headache, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Paralysis and Sleep Disorders. It is also helpful in chronic pain syndromes.

Also, Ayurveda can help in some movement disorders such as Restless Leg Syndrome, Ataxia, and tremors.

Ayurvedic treatments involve Ayurvedic massage, Panchakarma treatment, Shirodhara, Sirovasti, Vasti treatment, Virechan treatment, Vamanam treatment, Indian head massage and herbal steam.


Parkinson’s Disease

Ayurvedic treatments for Parkinson’s disease centers on rectifying and balancing the vitiated Vata so that all the three doshas work in perfect harmony in the human body. Ayurveda considers Parkinson’s disease to be the result of vitiated Vata. It is Vata that controls the overall level of balances and activation of the nervous system in an individual. Ayurvedic treatments for Parkinson’s disease will be done after a complete analysis of the patient, time of onset, physical condition, history of the previous disease in the family etc. Ayurvedic therapies will consist of Panchakarma treatments and internal medicines. Vasti, Shirodhara, Ayurvedic massages and Sirovasti have been found to be effective in arresting the disease and aiding in the recovery process.


Alzheimer’s Disease

Ayurveda considers Vata imbalance to be the primary cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Vata imbalances are common in elderly individuals. Ayurveda treatment for Alzheimer’s disease concentrates on rectifying and restoring the Vata imbalance with treatments for Alzheimer’s disease that include medicines to prevent degeneration and strengthening of the brain. Panchakarma treatments, Rasayana therapies and diet regulations are all part of the recommended Ayurveda treatment. Ayurveda therapies like Thalam, Shirodhara and Siro Vasti are also commonly prescribed for Alzheimer’s patients. Brahmi and Ashwagandha are the two main herbs used in the treatment of this disease.



Ayurveda terms paralysis as Pakshavada, a disorder caused by the vitiation of Vata Dosha. Ayurvedic treatments for paralysis will aim to rectify the vitiated vata dosha. In the ayurveda system of medicine, Vata is responsible for the proper coordination of all voluntary movements in the human body. A constraint in the proper movement of vata can cause paralysis in a person.

Internal medicines are prescribed in addition to purification therapies like Vasti, Abhyangam, Kizhi, Sirodhara, Thalam and Njavara Kizhi to bring the patient back to normalcy after the removal of toxins. The purification process will be undertaken only after a complete diagnosis of the patient: the condition of the patient, duration of disease and whether actual cause of the disease is a hemorrhage, emboli or ischemia. Specific exercises will be helpful in some patients. Yoga and meditation is found to be very effective and is also part of the ayurveda treatment for paralysis.



Ayurvedic treatment for epilepsy includes Panchakarma treatments (purification treatments) and internal medicines like kashayams, lehyams and choornams. Therapies like Siro Pichu (oleation of the cerebral sutures), Thalam (retaining medicated oil on the head), Sirodhara (pouring of medicated oil over head), yoga and meditation are also helpful.



Ayurvedic treatments for a migraine will aim to rectify the pitta imbalance to bring it back in harmony with vata and kapha dosha. Migraine treatments may also include panchakarma treatments to remove toxins and purify the system. After administering of panchakarma treatments patients are given pitta pacifying oral medicines including kashayams and lehyams choornams. Patients undergoing Ayurvedic migraine treatments need to follow a strict diet regimen during the period of the treatment and are encouraged to take up yoga and meditation.


Multiple Sclerosis

The Ayurvedic treatment for multiple sclerosis is specifically aimed at treating the basic pathology of the disease, reducing the number of attacks, improving recovery from attacks, halting or slowing down the progression of the disease and treating immune dysfunction. As multiple sclerosis is due to vata and pitta excess, all ayurvedic treatments will aim at bringing back to normalcy the vata and Pitta dosha.

The treatment will include internal medicines for suppressing immune reactions in the brain and later for correcting disabilities. Treatment varies with each patient and no two individuals may be offered the same treatment. The major aspects of an ayurvedic treatment for MS include proper diet, healing supplements, yoga and ayurvedic therapies that nourish and empower the nervous system. The efficacy of ayurvedic treatments in helping to recover from disabilities and diseases and in the supportive aspect is unmatched.


Sleep Disorders

Ayurvedic Treatment for sleep disorders are based on the actual cause of the condition. Ayurveda treatments for sleep disorders are designed to balance the vata dosha and harmonise it with the other doshas in the patient’s system. Panchakarma therapies, rasayana therapies, yoga and meditation along with life style changes including diet all form the basis of an Ayurveda treatment for sleep disorders. Panchakarma therapies are generally Siro Pichu, Thalam, Indian head massage, Siro Vastia and Sirodhara. Internal medicines may also be prescribed.


Ayurvedic Medicine

There are a variety of Ayurvedic medicines such as Brahmi, Sanku Puspi, Mandukparni, Jatamansi, Vacha, Ashwagandha, Shilajeet, Sarpagandha, Guduchi and Yastimadhu which are used in the treatment depending upon the patient’s condition, disease or disorder. Ayurvedic medicine can be used in the form of single herbs or in compound formulations. These are in the form of tablets, syrups (aristam), lehyams, kashyam (decoctions), ghritam, guggulu preparations and different types of oils which are useful in the Ayurvedic treatment. All the herbal Ayurvedic medicines used are TGA approved.


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